We partner with you to provide:
the framework for a successful enrollment.
enrollment options designed to safely enroll employees. Examples include utilizing a call center with scheduling software or Face to Face, with proper CDC recommended precautions.
a safe enrollment environment.
an enrollment with any carrier in any enrollment system, we are experienced in enrollment systems that are both proprietary and carrier provided.
execute annual enrollment processing and auditing; offering a range of services such as customer service and claims assistance.
to cover all aspects of enrollment support. We are truly a partner, flexible in these challenging times, to meet the needs of employers and provide a solid framework for a successful enrollment.
Worksite Services, Inc.
Experienced in enrolling in various sectors:
healthcare facilities
school systems
day cares
vehicle dealerships
public sector
The ability to adapt to the circumstances and communicate effectively to all parties is key.
Where can we help you?
Currently partnering with brokers and employers in:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, Alabama and Mississippi.